Building Management System

Keeping our clients informed & in control, reducing administration, management & optimising strategies in a holistic way IS the MST way!

Are you in control?

Being in control of your Building Management System (BMS) or control system solutions is just one step in ensuring the operation of your plant & equipment. Digging a little deeper or having your system reviewed might unearth savings unrealised.

Plant & equipment automation is a fundamental function of all HVAC technologies from domestic refrigerators & freezers through to major shopping centre chilled water systems, swimming pool heat pumps & car park carbon monoxide systems. Regardless of the system, all will utilise a control system or control strategy.

Decades of Experiences

Experts & Specialists

A poorly designed & implemented control strategy can cost you more than money and in most cases savings can be achieved by having an expert like the senior technicians at MST Air Conditioning Services, along with specialist control technicians review the strategy deployed. Often there are design or programming issues which can yield savings & increase equipment life exponentially.

Most times, savings can be achieved by having an expert like the senior technicians at MST Air Conditioning Services, review the strategy deployed. Often there are design or programming issues which can yield savings & increase equipment life exponentially.

Decades of Experiences

Don’t upgrade for the sake of upgrading

At MST we only recommend upgrading if the upgrade has some major advantages & can introduce efficiency or savings. We review the complete solution rather than try to push a product that you might not even require. Without needing to meet sales goals we review the current configuration & can make suggestions for improvement.

Improvements can be introduced from preventative maintenance strategies (eg - filter cleaning & replacement, coil cleaning, VSD technology, Co2 or carbon monoxide systems). Other issues that may have been present from installation & commissioning might also be identified & rectified these could be things like incorrect settings, setpoints, proportional bands, operation hours to name but just a few.

Decades of Experiences

Reviewing the entire solution & having the knowledge of what is required, what is compliant & what is most efficient can only be delivered by a company like MST that has the intricate knowledge & experience of plant operation. While a control centric company can program some software & BMS solutions they might not be doing so efficiently without the thorough understanding of operational intent.

By engaging MST to review & improve your control or BMS solutions with a wholistic view & approach. Quite literally you could be saving thousands of dollars or hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. The savings collectively from energy, operating costs, remote support, reduced call outs, down time & improved response can not only benefit you financially but improve reliability & productivity by delivering less down time.

You could be saving thousands

If a control system or BMS upgrade is required, MST can ensure it is completed with minimal fuss & with optimal outcomes. Let us manage the entire project for you from start through to finish. We will take the worry & hassle away & deliver the results you need. Ensure maximum gains & reliability – contact us today to discuss your BMS & control requirements.